Get clear on your path to MPowerment + MPowering others!

Services Overview...

Services Overview...

Career Coaching for Diverse High Achieving Academics + Professionals

Sometimes we land in careers that are expected of us, sometimes they are careers we’ve aspired for. Being able to experience your career the way you prefer to is important. Sometimes coaching in this area reveals that finding creative solutions can make meaningful differences

Life Coaching for Diverse High Achieving Academics + Professionals

Life coaching is a process and includes many facets of your life. Coaching is future focused and tends to help you to identify creative ways to amplify your strengths. It also helps you address challenges so that you can lead more of the life you prefer to live. 

MPowered in Peri~Menopause or with related conditions...

One day life as you knew it was forever changed. It might have been noticeable in some ways and it may have been silent in other ways… but it happened nonetheless. In either case, we are called to address our changing needs in order to maximize our health-related quality of life and well being.

In some ways these changes might upend who you knew yourself to be. In other ways it presents a beautiful opportunity to redefine who you are today and how you want to show up for yourself and others. It presents the chance to be intentional in your pursuit of knowledge in this understudied, yet vitally important phase of life. In doing so, you learn, grow, evolve even… AND MPower yourself to advocate for both your needs and your wants.

MPowered Melanated Clinicians Private Practice Builder Curriculum

For diverse clinicians who value legacy building that is based on their passion + power + purpose while honoring life balance.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a private practice or enhance your current practice. Unfortunately, graduate school did not teach you business skills.

Whatever your circumstances, the way choose to do it and who you choose as your coach + consultant will influence your outcomes.

Private Practice Builder Curriculum for Universities

Universities who support first-generation college students, or members of a group that is traditionally underrepresented in graduate education, including those with disabilities, and have demonstrated strong academic potential are prime candidates to subscribe for their students. Furthermore, universities who have a vested interest in MPowering their students to gain ways to remember their why, diversify their skills and streams of revenue are also able to subscribe to Career and Academic coaching on behalf of their students.

Academic Coaching for Diverse Graduate Students and Beyond

Your academic journey can be very rewarding. Sometimes you find that you did not know what all you we were signing up for. Having a coach can help you remember your why + MPower you to gain more of the experiences you wish to have while pursuing higher education.

Academic coaching is reserved for graduate students and beyond

  • First off, it is important to share that part of the reason the primary focus is on diverse professionals/academics is because all too often we do not have equitable access to resources. However, that said, if my messaging speaks to you and you feel you would benefit from working with me and/or gaining access to resources please contact me for a consultation. If I have openings and we are a good fit we can proceed.

  • See the dedicated page that will offer additional information. Still have questions? Feel free to reach out for a consultation.

  • 1:1 coaching is available now. For the scope of what is covered with 1:1 coaching and what will be in the on demand self-paced curriculum see the dedicated page

  • First off, it is important to share that part of the reason the primary focus is on diverse clinical professionals is because all too often we do not have equitable access to resources. However, that said, if my messaging speaks to you and you feel you would benefit from working with me and/or gaining access to resources please contact me for a consultation. If I have openings and we are a good fit we can proceed.

  • First off, it is important to share that part of the reason the primary focus is on diverse graduate students and beyond is because all too often we do not have equitable access to resources. However, that said, if you are a graduate student or beyond, my messaging speaks to you, and you feel you would benefit from working with me and/or gaining access to resources please contact me for a consultation. If I have openings and we are a good fit we can proceed.

Looking for therapy…

Note: Although Dr. Hawes is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist her coaching + consulting business is separate from her clinical practice. As such, she can EITHER work with you as a therapy patient OR as a coaching or consultation client. If we find that your needs are clinically significant, we will talk about it and appropriate referrals will be made.

Sometimes it is possible to remain in coaching or consultation with me while pursuing therapy with another provider. If it is not appropriate to remain in coaching or consultation with me, I will be sure to let you know, and will make appropriate recommendations. 

More information about my therapy practice: Mindfully Balancing Wellness

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.

Note: Email is not a secure form of communication. Please do not include any protected health information in an email.