Meet the Founder…

Hi, I am Dr. Starlyn Hawes, Certified MPowerment coach + consultant. I am also a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, with over 16 years of experience, specializing in health & rehabilitation psychology.

-I bring expertise that is grounded in academic, clinical, professional, lived experience and collective lived experience. I have also learned important aspects of business along the way.

-I am a diverse woman of color (WOC) who is perceived as Black and have lived and worked in majority spaces throughout my life. I have also lived and worked in diverse spaces. I have walked the walk of this work and it has positioned me to passionately MPower diverse communities. 

Snapshots of my journey…

1. Graduate school was a situation. I had two advisors leave my graduate institution due to unforeseeable circumstances my first two years in a row. This meant starting and not finishing TWO theses. I was then left to wonder whether this was a SIGN from the universe reinforcing my already almost ever present idea that graduate school was NOT for me to begin with. I’ll let you all fill in the blanks on that front. I know, YOU know, what I am talking about. I had three options: a) Listen to the universe and jump ship before things got any more complicated; b) try to find an advisor that would take me on even though the research match was not going to be SOLID; or c) do a nation-wide search AGAIN and see who would take me on. REAL talk, going through what I had already been through to what I entered into, …I questioned if I should remain in graduate school. Throughout my graduate tenure there was a lot of sacrifice, challenge, institutional and other forms of toxicity and uncharted territory to name a few things. All things considered, I might have accomplished a few things that I am proud of. ;) Let’s just say I discovered that I have more tenacity than I would have ever imagined. I did what I had to do and then some, I learned, I won awards, and fellowship money and completed some meaningful community based work. Through those experiences, I found ways to stay true to and honor myself. After all, at the end of the day I had MYSELF to answer to.

2. In 2014, I PIVOTED out of academia three quarters into a faculty position interview that was going well. Why? I had extreme clarity that neither the position nor academia would support the life balance I was interested in.

3. In 2017, I entered private practice as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist JUNIOR PARTNER; not as an employee. No thank you. Shortly thereafter, I began facilitating a Women’s Psychologist group. The composition of this group remains diverse.

4. In 2020, I experienced a PERFECT STORM. This led me to make a rapid, unexpected departure from this practice. I would not have made this change during a pandemic, but it was my only option. From this, I pivoted into solopreneurship as FOUNDER of my own private practice, Mindfully Balancing Wellness. I’ll never forget being told I needed to have a plan A, B, and C. My response, “I hear you AND plan A is THE plan. I am going to make it work. I’ll consider plan B and C if/when I need to.”

5. Late 2020, it was time to DIVERSIFY what I was doing and find a way to help other melanated clinicians overcome challenges I have overcome. In response, I earned my certification as a coach + consultant. I also started co-facilitating a Rehabilitation/Health Psychologist group. This group has now tripled in size.

6. Late 2021, I leased a business suite. I did a full tenant improvement to house not one but TWO businesses that I founded during the pandemic.

7. In January 2022, I LAUNCHED my coaching + consulting business! For the sake of transparency, I unknowingly beta tested this business idea over the course of several years. Over time I recognized its value and this led me to my soft launch to support not doing too much too soon. The TIME has come to fully launch!

My Why...

My Why...

This is a part of my contribution to community. To make a meaningful mark in this world with intention, passion + power + purpose. To connect with our ancestors who sacrificed to create a better future for us. To MPower us to create a better today and days that follow for us and for the generations that follow.

I SEE you. I HEAR you. I FEEL you. I welcome you, MPowered Melanted Clinicians + High Achieving Diverse Professionals + MPowered Peri~Menopause and related conditions community! Universities who wish to facilitate the MPowerment of their diverse students are also welcome!

Yes, MPowered even if you are not aware of that within yourself at this very moment. I assure you that with a little bit of intention you can begin to uncover this within yourself.

The journey to MPowerment is just that; a journey. It is not a destination. A journey has so much value. It gives us the opportunity to appreciate the peaks and valleys. The scenic route can be even better, given we can learn even more about ourselves along the way.

Stated differently, becoming MPowered is not a static accomplishment. We grow into it, lean into, walk and live in it to varying degrees. Relatedly, there is no single way we need to be to consider ourselves MPowered. We can be MPowered in silent, quiet, vocal, and/or visible ways. No one defines your MPowerment but YOU!

How will you authentically live in your passion + power + purpose?

How will you authentically live in your passion + power + purpose?

Calling all MPowered Melanated Clinicians + diverse High Achieving Professionals + MPowered individuals in Peri~Menopause and with related conditions…

…AND those who are working on getting to a place of MPowerment. You have entered an MPowered coaching + consulting space meant to enhance the unique vision you have for your business, career, academics, and your life.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! It will be great to hear from you!